
Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform Privacy Policy


生效日期: 202311

Effective DateJanuary 1st,2023

欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台(以下简称欣荻瑞全球高尔夫”)深知个人信息(本政策所述个人信息个人敏感信息所包含的内容出自于 GB/T35273《个人信息安全规范》) 对您而言的重要性,也感谢您对我们的信任,我们将按法律法规要求,采取相应安全保护措施,尽力保护您的个人信息安全可控。基于此欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台产品和服务提供者歆迪体育咨询(上海)有限公司(下称欣荻瑞全球高尔夫”)制定本《隐私政策》。本政策主要向您阐述我们收集哪些信息、所收集信息的用途、您所享有的权利等,并申明了我们对保护个人隐私的承诺。我们未来可能根据信息处理情境的变化更新或修改本政策。请您在使用欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台提供的任何服务前知晓本政策和任何补充政策。

Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Cindy Reid Global Golf") is fully aware of the importance of personal information (the content of "personal information" or "personal sensitive information" mentioned in this policy comes from the GB/T35273 Personal Information Security Specification) to you, and thank you for your trust in us. We will take corresponding security protection measures according to the requirements of laws and regulations to try our best to protect the security and controllability of your personal information. Based on this, the platform product and service provider of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, Xin Di Sports Consulting Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Cindy Reid Global Golf") has formulated this Privacy Policy. This policy mainly explains to you what data we collect, the purpose of it, your rights, etc., and states our commitment to the security of your personal information. In the future, we may update or modify this policy according to changes in information processing situations. Please read and fully understand the terms of this policy and any supplementary policies before using any services provided by Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform.


We promise that we will take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information according to the mature security standards in the industry. Before using the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform products or services, you should read and understand all the contents of this policy. Once you start to use the products or services on the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, you are considered as fully understood and agreed to this policy.


This privacy policy will help you understand the following contents:


       Definition and Scope of the Personal Information.


       How Do We Collect and Use Your Personal Information?

三、我们如何使用 Cookie 和同类技术

      How Do We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies?


       How Do We Share, Transfer and Disclose Your Personal Information Publicly?


       How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?


       What Rights Do You Have?


       How Do We Process and Protect the Minors’ Personal Information?


       How Do We  Transfer Your Personal Information Globally?


       How Do We Update This Privacy Policy?


       Dispute Resolution.


          How to Contact Us?



       Definition and Scope of the Personal Information.


Personal Information: refers to information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information.

()个人敏感信息:包括身份证件号码、手机号码、个人生物识别信 息、银行账号、财产信息、行踪轨迹、交易信息、14 岁以下()儿 童的个人信息等。  

Personal Sensitive Information: including ID card number, mobile phone number, personal biometric information, bank account number, property information, move tracks, transaction information, personal information of children under 14 years old (including), etc.


Special Instructions for Children’s Guardian:


If you are the guardian of minor users, please read and choose whether you agree with this policy or not. We hope that you will work with us to protect your child's personal information, educate and guide them to enhance their personal information protection awareness and ability. Guide, remind and require them not to provide any personal information to any online product and service provider without your consent. In the event you do not agree with the contents of this policy, which will cause our products and services to not be operated normally or achieve the intended service, you should ask your child to immediately stop accessing/using the Products/Services provided by Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform. Your child's use or continued use of the Products/Services provided by Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform and submission of personal information indicate that you agree to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your child's personal information in accordance with this policy (including the updated version).

The personal information and personal sensitive information involved in this privacy policy mainly include:

1.    基本信息:昵称、个人电话号码、收件地址;

Basic information: nickname, personal telephone number and address;

2.    网络身份标识信息(系统账号(含第三方)IP 地址及与前述有关的密码);

Network identity identification information (system account, including the third party, IP address and password related to the above);

3.    欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台使用数据(浏览及点击记录、软件使用记录、通过麦克风输入的内容);

Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform usage data (browsing and clicking records, software usage records, and content input through microphone);

4.    个人常用设备信息(androidIDmSerial deviceID androidUuidID phoneProducer IMEI phoneModel systemVersionSDKVersionversionName);

Personal common device information (androidID, mSerial deviceID, androidUuidID, phoneProducer, IMEI, phoneModel, systemVersion, SDKVersion, versionName);

5.    个人位置信息(精准定位信息);

Personal location information (accurate positioning information);

6.    使用第三方服务产生的资金流水记录

Daily transaction records of funds generated by using third-party services.



      How Do We Collect and Use Your Personal Information?


We collect and use your personal information for:

1.   帮助您成为欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台的用户

To assist you to become a User of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform.


If you need to be a registered user of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform to receive member services from us, you need to provide a phone number which you will use to register and log into your Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform Account and you can choose to fill in the basic information such as nickname and English name. After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will delete your personal information or make it anonymous according to legal requirements.

2.   向您提供产品或服务  

Provide you with our products or service

2.1   产品或服务提供及改善:您可自主选择向我们提供或允许我们收集下列功能对应个人信息,这些信息并非该业务功能运行所必需。但这些信息对改善服务质量,研发新产品或服务等有非常重要的意义。我们不会强制要求您提供这些信息,您如拒绝不会对使用该业务功能产生不利影响。

Product or service provision and improvement: You can choose to provide or allow us to collect your personal information corresponding to the following functions, which is not necessary for the operation of this business function. However, this information is of great significance for improving service quality and developing new products or services. It is not mandatory for you to provide such information, and your refusal will not adversely affect the use of this business function.


    User Experience Improvement Plan


Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will diagnose system problems and optimize product experience based on your usage data of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform and personal common device information. We will use tools (including third-party tools) to count the data information generated in the process of using the products of Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., including the number of application launches, the number of page visits, the number of key button clicks, and the configuration attributes of the settings. With the upgrading of the subsequent versions of the products of Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the scope of our statistics may change. Your behavior of downloading/installing/using the subsequent versions of the products of Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will be deemed as your consent to the relevant changes at that time.


    For Marketing Activities


When you choose to participate in the relevant marketing activities initiated by us, you may need to submit your personal information and third-party payment service account information according to the needs of the activities. This information may include personal information (the recipient's telephone number and address of delivery), which is necessary for you to receive the transfer or gift. If you refuse to provide such information, we may not be able to process the transfer or distribute gifts to you.


   Customer care and After-sales


Our customer care and after-sales functions will use your account information to provide consulting services for you.


When you contact us, we may save your call records and contents or your contact information to help you solve the problems or record the solutions and results of related problems. Our customer service staff will use your account information to verify your identity with you. You may need to provide other information, besides the above information, when communicating with our customer service staff.

2.2   产品功能提供

Product Function Provision


Basic business functions and additional business functions: When you use the following functions, Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform will ask you for the following system permissions:


Access to the application list permission is convenient for judging whether it is your login behavior and providing security by checking the application list. If you do not authorize, we may not be able to provide this business function.

The Basic business functions include:


View and edit your profile: You can update your personal information at Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform by uploading and editing it yourself.


Nickname, avatar, English name and address information. Uploading an avatar requires your camera and album function permission. If you do not provide the above information and authority, the information displayed on your profile page will be incomplete.


Purchase service: You can purchase experience content and system content in Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform. You will need to provide the name of the contact, their contact information and address information. If the above information is not provided, the purchase may not be completed.  


Lesson feedback: This is for sending you a data report or lesson notes for you to review the lesson.

欣荻瑞全球高尔夫商城:您可使用欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台的积分在欣荻瑞全球高尔夫商城兑换用具和相关产品,邮寄商品需要您提供收件人姓名、联系电话和收货地址。如不提供以上信息, 我们将无法为您邮寄产品。

Cindy Reid Global Golf Pro Shop: You can use the points of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform to exchange tools and related products in the Cindy Reid Global Pro Shop. For delivering products, you need to provide the name, phone number and address of the recipient. If the above information is not provided, we may not be able to deliver the product for you.


Recommendation Courtesy: You can earn rewards through recommending friends to purchase products or services at the Cindy Reid Global Pro Shop.

文字,图片上传:您登录后可以通过本欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台及相关服务上传、发布内容(包括但不 限文字,图像,音频,视频内容等各种形式的内容及其中包括的音乐、声音、台词、视觉设计、对话等所有组成部分),一经上传或发布本软件所有的用户均可查看或分享。上传过程我们需收集您发布的信息,并展示您的昵称、头像、发布内容和信息,您使用发布图片、音视频功能时,我们会请求您授权相机、照片、麦克风权限,如不提供以上权限,将无法上传信息。

Upload text and pictures: After logging into the account, you can upload and publish content (including but not limited to text, picture, audio, video content and/or other content forms, including music, sound, actor’s lines, visual design, dialogue and so on) through this Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform and related services. Once you upload or publish, all users of this APP can view or share it. During the uploading process, we need to collect your published information and display your nickname, avatar, publishing content and information. When you use the function of publishing pictures, audio or video, we will ask you to authorize the camera, photo and microphone permissions. If you do not provide the above permissions, you may not be able to upload that content or information.

3. 为您提供安全保护保障您的网络身份标识信息帮助您维护软件正常使用及使用安全。

It provides you with security protection to ensure that your network identity information helps you maintain the normal usage and security of the software.


We will ask you to obtain the corresponding permission through the pop-up window. Only after you choose to agree, will we open the corresponding authority for you and accept your personal information.

您可以开放设备麦克风权限来进行语音输入(语音消息、语音搜索), 在此过程中我们使用您的语音内容,对此项欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台使用数据进行必要的处理以满足您的软件使用需求。

You can open the microphone permissions to conduct voice input (voice message, voice search). During this process, we will use your voice content, and conduct the necessary processing on the usage data of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform to meet your software use needs.

我们会根据您在软件安装及使用中授予的具体权限,接收并记录您的个人常用设备信息: 操作系统版本唯一设备标识符设备所在位置相关 信息: IP 地址、GPS 位置以及能够提供相关信息的 Wi-Fi 接入点、蓝牙等传感器信息

We will receive and record your common personal device information, including operating system version, unique device identifier and device location related information, such as IP address, GPS location, and sensor information such as Wi-Fi access point and Bluetooth that can provide relevant information according to the specific permissions you have granted during software installation and usage.


Anonymous processing of personal information: After collecting your personal information, we will conduct anonymous processing of data in a timely manner through technical methods. We will store the anonymous data separately from the information that can be used to reply to identify individuals, and ensure that individuals will not be re-identified in subsequent personal information processing. On the premise of not disclosing your personal information, Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has the right to analyze and utilize the anonymous user database (including for commercial use).

若我们对于您的个人信息用于除政策列明之外的目的、范围或与使用于数据收集不一致的传输方式时,我们将会通知您并取得您的同意 。

In the event that we use your personal information for purposes, scope other than those listed in the policy, or transmission methods inconsistent with those used for data collection, we will notify you and obtain your consent.

3.   征得授权同意的例外

Exceptions to Obtaining Authorization


Under the following circumstances, the personal information controller does not need to obtain the authorization from the personal information owner to collect and use the personal information:

a)   与个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

Those related to the personal information controller's performance of the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

b)   与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

c)   与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

Those directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

d)   与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;

Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

e)   出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人授权同意的;

For circumstances which are difficult to obtain the personal authorization or consent from the owner for the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information owner or other individuals;

f)     所涉及的个人信息是个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开的;

The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the personal information owner;

g)   根据个人信息主体要求签订和履行合同所必需的;

Those are necessary for signing and performing the contract according to the requirements of the personal information owner;

h)   :个人信息保护政策的主要功能为公开个人信息控制者收集、使用个人信息范围 和规则,不宜将其视为合同。
Note: The main function of the personal information protection policy is to disclose the scope and rules of personal information collected and used by the personal information controller, which should not be regarded as a contract.


i)      从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道;

For circumstances in which the collection of the personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

j)      维护所提供产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,如发现、处置产品或服务的故障。

Those are necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as finding and handling the faults of products or services.

三、我们如何使用 CookieClickstreamWeb 和同类技术

       How Do We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies?

为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,您访问欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台产品或服务时, 我们可能会通过采用各种技术收集和存储您访问欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台服务的相关数据,这样可以识别您的身份,帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤,或者帮助判断您的账号安全状态。这些数据文件可能是 Cookie ClickstreamWeb,您的浏览器或关联应用程序提供的其他本地存储 (以下简称“Cookie)。请您理解,我们的某些服务只能通过使用 Cookie 才可得到实现。如您的浏览器或浏览器附加服务允许, 多数浏览器工具条中的“帮助”部分会告诉您怎样防止您的浏览器接受新的 Cookie,怎样让您的浏览器在您收到一条新 Cookie时通知您或者怎样彻底关闭 Cookie。此外,您可以通过改变浏览器附加程序的设置,或通过访问提供商的网页,来关闭或删除浏览器附加程序使用的 Flash Cookie 及类似数据。您可以修改对 Cookie 的接受程度或者拒绝欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台Cookie,但拒绝欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台 Cookie 在某些情况下您可能无法使用依赖于cookies 欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台服务的部分功能。

In order to make your visit experience is smooth and enjoyable, when you view the products or services on the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, we may use various technologies to collect and store the relevant data of your access to the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform services, so that the Platform can remember who you are, save you from the step of repeatedly entering the registration information, or help you judge the security status of your account. These data files may be Cookies, Clickstreams, Web, and/or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies"). Please understand that some of our services can only be realized by using Cookies. If your browser or browser add-on service allows, the help section of most browser toolbars will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting a new Cookie, how to let your browser notify you when you receive a new Cookie, or how to completely block a Cookie. In addition, you can close or delete Flash cookies and similar data used by browser add-ons by changing the settings of browser add on, or by visiting the provider's web page. You can modify your acceptance of cookies or reject Cookies on the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, but in some cases, you may not be able to use some of the functions of the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform services that rely on Cookies if you reject Cookies on the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform.



     How Do We Share, Transfer and Disclose Your Personal Information Publicly?

 ()共享 Share


We will not share your personal information with any third party, organization or people not affiliated with us or our company, except for the below circumstances. 

1.    事先获得您明确的同意或授权;  

Received your explicit permission or authorization in advance. 

2.    根据法律法规、法律程序的要求、强制性的行政或司法要求所必须的情况下对外提供;

Other mandatory situations shall be provided externally as required by laws and regulations, legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements.

3.    符合与您签署的相关协议(包括在线签署的电子协议以及相应的平台规则)或其他的法律文件约定所提供;

In accordance with relevant agreements signed by you (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents.

4.    我们可能会将您的个人信息与我们的关联方共享。但我们只会共享必要的个人信息,且受本隐私政策中所声明目的的约束。我们的关联方如要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。

We may share your personal information with our related parties. However, we will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purpose stated in this privacy policy. If our related parties want to change the purpose of processing the personal information, we will ask for your authorization again.

5.    应您要求为您处理您与他人的纠纷或争议;

Deal with your disputes with others at your request;

6.    与授权合作伙伴共享:在法律法规允许的范围内,为维护歆迪体育咨询(上海)有限公司、为维护歆迪体育咨询(上海)有限公司的合作伙伴、社会公众利益、财产或安全免遭损害,我们仅为实现本隐私政策中声明的目的与授权合同伙伴共同提供某些服务。我们可能会与合作伙伴共享您的某些个人信息,以提供更好的客户服务和用户体验。我们仅会出于合法、 正当、必要、特定、明确的目的共享您的个人信息,并且只会共享提供服务所必要的个人信息。我们的合作伙伴无权将共享的个人信息用于任何其他用途。对我们与之共享个人信息的公司、组织和个人,我们会与其签署严格的保密协定,要求他们按照我们的说明、本隐私政策以及其 他任何相关的保密和安全措施来处理个人信息。

Sharing with authorized partners: to the extent permitted by laws and regulations, in order to protect Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.'s partners, social public interests, property or security from damage, we only provide certain services together with authorized contract partners to achieve the purposes stated in this privacy policy. We may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and experience. We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only share the personal information necessary for providing these services. Our partners have no right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose. For companies, organizations and individuals with whom we share personal information with, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them while requiring them to handle the personal information in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

()转让  Transfer


We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or individual, except for the following circumstances:

1.    事先获得您明确的同意或授权;

We have received your explicit permission or authorization in advance. 

2.    根据法律法规、法律程序的要求、强制性的行政或司法要求所必须的情况进行提供;

Other mandatory situations shall be provided externally as required by laws and regulations, legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements.

3.    符合与您签署的相关协议(包括在线签署的电子协议以及相应的平台规则)或其他的法律文件约定所提供;

In accordance with relevant agreements signed by you (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents.

4.    在涉及合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本隐私政策的约束,否则,我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。

When a merger, acquisition, asset transfer or similar transaction is involved, if the personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise, we will require the company or organization to ask you for authorization consent again.

()公开披露Publicly Disclose


Your personal information will be publicly disclosed only after we have taken safety precautions in accordance with industry standards under the following conditions:

1.    根据您的需求,在您明确同意的披露方式下披露您所指定的个人信息。

According to your needs, disclose your designated personal information in the way you explicitly agree.

2.    根据法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须提供您个人信息的情况下,我们可能会依据所要求的个人信息类型和披露方式公开披露您的个人信息。

If your personal information needs to be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may publicly disclose your personal information according to the required type and disclosure method of personal information.


Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization for sharing, transferring and public disclosure of personal information.


We will not share your personal information with any third company, organization or people not affiliated with us and our company, except for the below circumstances:

a) 与个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

Related to the personal information controller's performance of the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

b) 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

      Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

c) 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

      Those directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

d) 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;

    Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

e) 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人授权同意的;

    For circumstances which is difficult to obtain the personal authorization or consent from the owner for the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information owner or other individuals;

f) 个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开的个人信息;

   The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the owner;

g) 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开等渠道。

    Personal information collected from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.



     Authorized entrusted processing



Our authorized partners include the following types:

(1) 商品或技术服务的供应商。我们可能会将您的部分个人信息委托给支持我们功能的第三方。这些支持包括为我们提供支付服务、数据处理等。我们共享这些信息的目的是可以实现我们产品与/或服务的核心功能;

A supplier of goods or technical services. We may entrust some of your personal information to a third party that supports our functions. This support includes providing us with payment services, data processing, etc. The purpose of sharing this information is to fulfill the core functions of our products and/or services;

(2) 第三方商家。我们必须将您为实现操作目的之必要信息委托给第三方商家,并促使其可以完成后续服务,在涉及实物商品邮寄时将您的必要地址及个人信息提供给第三方物流商家,第三方物流商家在我们的监督下提供邮寄服务,个人信息的控制权归属仍为我们。

Third party merchants. We must entrust your necessary information for the purpose of operation to third party merchants, and urge them to complete their follow-up services. When it comes to the delivery of  goods, we need to provide your necessary address and personal information to the third-party logistics merchants. The third-party logistics merchants provide the delivery service under our supervision, and the control of personal information remains with us.

 ()第三方 SDK 接入

      Third party SDK access


In order to ensure the realization of relevant functions of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform and the safe and stable operation of the application, we may get access to the software development kit (SDK) provided by a third party for relevant purposes. We will strictly monitor the security of software tool development kits (SDKs) that partners use to obtain information to protect data security.


      How Do We Protect Your Personal Information?

1. 我们已使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施保护您提供的个人信息,防止数据遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息。我们会使用加密技术确保数据的保密性;我们会使用受信赖的保护机制防止数据遭到恶意攻击; 我们会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问个人信息; 以及我们会举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护个人信息重要性的认识。

We have taken security measures that comply with industry standards to protect the personal information you provide from unauthorized access, public disclosure, usage, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. We will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; We will use a trusted protection mechanism to prevent data from being attacked maliciously; We will deploy an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access your personal information; and we will hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

2.    SSL(Secure Socket Layer)协议加密保护。当您从设备或浏览器向我们的服务器发送或收取信息时,我们确保使用安全套接层(SSL) 和其他算法对其进行加密。

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol encryption protection. When you send or receive information from a device or browser to our server, we will ensure that it is encrypted through using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and other algorithms.

3.    我们会采取合理可行的措施,尽力避免收集和处理无关的个人信息。 我们只会在达成本政策所述目的所需的期限内保留您的个人信息,除非法律有强制的留存要求,例如《中华人民共和国电子商务法》要求商品和服务信息、交易信息保存时间自交易完成之日起不少于三年。我们判断个人信息的存储期限主要参考以下标准并以其中较长者为准:

We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting and processing irrelevant personal information. We will only retain your personal information for the period required to achieve the purposes described in this policy, unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law, for example, the Electronic Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China requires that goods and services information and transaction information be kept for at least three years from the date of completion of the transaction. We judge the storage term of personal information mainly by referring to the following standards, and the longer one shall prevail:

1)    完成与您相关的交易目的、维护相应交易及业务记录,以应对您可能的查询或投诉;

Complete the transaction purpose related to you, and maintain the corresponding transaction and business records to respond to your possible inquiries or complaints;

2)    保证我们为您提供服务的安全和质量;

To ensure the safety and quality of our services to you;

3)    您是否同意更长的留存期间;

The circumstances that you may want and agree to for a longer retention period;

4)    是否存在保留期限的其他特别约定。

Other special agreements on the retention period.


When the retention period expires, we will delete your personal information or make it anonymous according to the requirements of applicable laws.

4.    您的个人信息全都被储存在安全的服务器上,并在受控设施中受到保护。我们依据重要性和敏感性对您的数据进行分类,并且保证您的个人信息具有最高的安全等级。我们以最小授权为原则,仅允许在存在相关业务需求且有必要知晓这些信息的员工、合作伙伴伴访问您的个人信息,并为此设置了严格的访问权限控制和监控机制。我们保证通过访问这些信息来帮助向您提供产品和服务的员工和第三方服务供应商具有严格的保密义务,如果未能履行这些义务,其将会受到律处分或被终止合作。同样,我们对以云为基础的数据存储设有专门的访问控制措施。总而言之,我们定期审查信息收集、储存和处理实践, 包括物理安全措施,以防止任何未经授权的访问和使用。

All your personal information is stored on a secure server and protected in a controlled facility. We classify your data according to importance and sensitivity and ensure that your personal information is stored at the highest security level. Based on the principle of minimum authorization, we only allow employees and partners who have relevant business needs to access your personal information. And we have set up a strict access control and monitoring mechanism. We guarantee that the employees and third-party service providers who provide you with products and services by accessing this information have strict confidentiality obligations. If they fail to fulfill these obligations, they will be subject to disciplinary action or terminated cooperation. Similarly, we have special access control measures for cloud based data storage. In summary, we regularly review information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures to prevent any unauthorized access and usage.


Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that in the internet industry, even if we have tried our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to guarantee the security of information 100% due to technical restrictions and possible malicious means. We will try our best to ensure the security of the personal information you have provided to us. You know and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take positive measures to protect the security of your personal information, including but not limited to not disclosing your account password and other personal information to others. We will promptly notify the relevant regulatory authorities of the disclosure of personal data, and in some special circumstances, notify the data owner of relevant data leakage events, so as to meet the applicable relevant laws, including local data protection regulations.


We are not responsible for the legality of the privacy policy of third-party websites that may be accessed. You should check the privacy policy of third-party websites and determine whether you accept it or not.

5. 在不幸发生个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照法律法规的要求【并最迟不迟于 30 个自然日内】向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范或降低风险的建议、对您的补救措施等。事件相关情况我们将以邮件、信函、电话、 推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。

In case of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions that you can independently take to prevent or reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations (and no later than 30 natural days). We will inform you of the event by mail, letter, telephone, notification, etc. If it is difficult to inform the personal information owner one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will also report the disposition of personal information security incidents according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities.



      What Rights Do You Have?


In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, standards and the prevailing practices of other countries and regions, we guarantee that you can exercise the following rights on your personal information:

1. 访问权与查询权

    Access rights and inquiry rights


You have the right to access and inquire about your personal information, except for exceptions stipulated by laws and regulations. If you want to use the data access right, you can access it by yourself in the following ways:

a.   访问/查询头像、昵称、英文名、账号信息:进入欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台后-点击 “我的CRGG-点击头像框,进行信息查询;

Access/inquire about the avatar, nickname, English name and account information: after logging into the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform - click "My CRGG" - click the avatar box to inquire about the information;

b.   访问/查询订单信息/收货地址信息: 进入欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台后-点击“我的CRGG-点击“我的订单”,进行信息查询;

Access/ inquire about the order information/ shipping address information: after logging into Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform - click My CRGG " - click "My Purchases" to inquire about the information;

c.    访问/查询个人学习数据:进入欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台后-点击“我的CRGG-“我的课程”,进行学习记录和笔记查询;

Access/ inquire about the personal learning data: after logging into Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform - click "My CRGG" - "My Lessons" to inquire about learning records and feedback;

d.   访问/查询 mac 及设备的设备标识信息信息:您可以直接通过隐私政策下方我们提供的联系方式联系我们查询。

Access/ inquire about the MAC device identification information: You can contact us directly through the contact information provided under the privacy policy.

2. 更正权

   Right of correction

当您发现我们处理的关于您的个人信息(包括昵称、发票信息、收货地址)有错误 时,您可以通过登录欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台,点击“我的CRGG-“头像框”修改头像、昵称、 英文名,点击“我的CRGG-“我的订单”-修改相关信息。

When you find that your personal information (including nickname, invoice information, and delivery address) processed by us is incorrect, you can modify your avatar, nickname, and English name by logging into to Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, clicking "My CRGG" - "avatar box", and clicking "My CRGG" - "My Purchases" - Modify Related Information.

3. 删除权

   Delete right


You can delete the nickname and English name through "My CRGG" - "Click on avatar" - "Edit information";

b.您可以通过“我的CRGG-“ 我的订单”-“具体订单”-“修改地址”进入地址管 理页删除收货地址;

You can enter the address management page through "My CRGG" " - "My Purchases" - "Specific Order" - "Modify Address" to delete the shipping address;


In the following cases, you can request for us to delete personal information through "My CRGG" - "Customer Care Team" - "Call Customer Care.

(1) 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反法律法规;

If we handle your personal information in violation of laws and regulations;

(2) 如果我们收集、使用您的个人信息,却未征得您的同意;

If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

(3) 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反了与您的约定;

If we handle your personal information in a way that violates the agreement with you;

(4) 如果您不再使用我们的产品或服务,或您注销了账号;

If you no longer use our products or services, or you have cancelled your account;


         If we no longer provide you with products or services;


If we decide to respond to your request for deletion, we will also notify the entities that have obtained your personal information from us and require them to delete it in a timely manner, unless other situations  stipulated by laws and regulations, or these entities have obtained your independent authorization.


When you have deleted your personal information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately, but we will delete the information when the backup is updated.

4. 撤回同意权

   Right of withdrawing the consent authorization


You can directly withdraw the consent authorization of your personal information being collected and used in the following ways. After withdrawing your consent authorization, we will not process your personal information any more. When we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information, we will provide you with a notice of withdrawal of consent. Withdrawal of consent authorization will not affect your personal information processing based on consent before withdrawal.

a)  针对安卓系统设备,您可通过手机的设置-应用-权限管理关闭对相机、麦克风、获取应用列表、位置信息权限的授权;

For Android system devices, you can turn off the authorization of cameras, microphones, access to application lists and location information permissions through “Settings” – “Applications” – “Permission Management” on your phone;

b)  针对 iOS 系统设备,您可通过手机的设置-欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台关闭对照片、 麦克风、相机权限的授权。

For iOS system devices, you can turn off the authorization of photos, microphones and cameras through the "Settings" - Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform of your mobile phone.

5. 注销权

    Right of Cancellation

您可以电话联系客服 +86 134 7242 7551(周一至周日 9:00-18:00)说明注销需求,我们将安排专业人员响应注销需求。在注销账号之后,我们将停止为您提供产品或服务,并依据您的要求,删除您的个人信息,法律法规另有规定的除外。

You can contact our customer care team at +86 134 7242 7551 (9:00-18:00, Monday to Sunday) to explain the cancellation request, and we will arrange professionals to respond to your cancellation request. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing you with our products or services, and delete your personal information accordingly, unless other situations specified by laws and regulations.

6. 个人信息主体获取个人信息副本

   About personal information owner obtaining a copy of personal information

a)您有权登录欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台后,点击“我的CRGG-“编辑资料”查看个人信息副本, 并通过截屏获取个人信息副本。

You have the right to log into the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform, click "My CRGG" - "Edit Profile" to view the copy of your personal information, and obtain a copy of your personal information through the screenshot.

b)您有权登录欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台后,点击“我的CRGG-点击“我的订单”,进行收货地 址的个人信息副本查询,并通过截屏获取个人信息副本。

You have the right to log into the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital platform, click " My CRGG " - click " My Purchases" to inquire about the copy of personal information of the delivery address, and obtain the copy of personal information through screenshots.

7. 响应您的上述请求

   Respond to your requests above

如果您无法通过上述方式访问、更正或删除您的个人信息,或您需要访问、更正或删除您在使用我们产品与/或服务时所产生的其他个人信息,或您认为歆迪体育咨询(上海)有限公司存在任何违反法律法规或与您关于个人信息的收集或使用的约定,您均可以通过本协议下方的方式与我们联系。为了保障安全,我们可能需要您提供书面请求,或以其他方式证明您的身份,我们将在收到您反馈并验证您的身份后的 15 天内答复您的请求。对于您合理的请求,我们原则上不收取费用,但对多次重复、超出合理限度的请求,我们将视情收取一定成本费用。对于那些无端重复、需要过多技术手段、给他人合法权益带来风险或者非常不切实际的请求,我们可能会予以拒绝。

If you are unable to access, correct or delete your personal information through the above methods, or you need to access, correct or delete other personal information generated when you use our products and/or services, or you think Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has violated any laws and regulations or any agreement with you on the collection or use of personal information, you can contact us through the way stipulated in this agreement. To ensure security, we may need you to provide a written request or prove your identity in other ways. We will reply to your request within 15 days after receiving your feedback and verifying your identity. In general, we do not charge for your reasonable request, but we will charge a certain amount of cost for repeated requests that exceed the reasonable limit as appropriate. We may reject those requests that are unreasonable and repetitive, requiring too many technical means, bringing risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical.


In the following circumstances, we will not be able to respond to your request according to the requirements of laws and regulations:

1.    与个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;

Related to the personal information controller's performance of the obligations stipulated by laws and regulations;

2.    与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;

Those directly related to national security and national defense security;

3.    与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;

Those directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;

4.    与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的;

Those directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

5.    个人信息控制者有充分证据表明个人信息主体存在主观恶意或滥用权利的;

The personal information controller has sufficient evidence to show that the personal information owner has subjective malice or abuse of rights;

6.    出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但 又很难得到本人授权同意的;

For circumstances which are difficult to obtain the personal authorization or consent from the owner for the purpose of protecting the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information owner or other individuals;

7.    响应个人信息主体的请求将导致个人信息主体或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;

Responding to the request of the personal information owner will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the personal information owner or other individuals and organizations;

8.    涉及商业秘密的。

Those involving business confidentiality.



      How Do We  Process and Protect the Minors’ Personal Information?

1、我们如何保护未成年人的个人信息 How do we protect minors' personal information

我们非常重视对未成年人个人信息的保护。根据相关法律法规的规定,若您是18 周岁以下的未成年人,在使用我们的服务前,应事先取得您 的家长或法定监护人的书面同意并仔细阅读本《隐私政策》。若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息有相关疑问时,请通过第 11 节中的联系方式与我们联系。 

We put a high value on the protection of minors' personal information. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the written consent of your parent or legal guardian and carefully read this Privacy Policy before using our service. If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us through the contact information in Section 11 when you have questions about the personal information of the minor under your guardianship.

2、我们如何处理未成年人的个人信息 How we process a minor’s personal information


In the case of collecting a minor’s personal information with the consent of parents, we will only use or publicly disclose this information when it is permitted by law, explicitly agreed by parents or guardians, or necessary to protect the minor.


If we find that we have collected a minor’s personal information without the consent of verifiable parents, we will try to delete relevant data as soon as possible.



      How Do We  Transfer Your Personal Information Globally?


The personal information collected and generated in our operations in the People's Republic of China is stored in China, and we will not transfer your personal information overseas.



      How Do We Update This Privacy Policy?

Our privacy policy may change.


This policy is an important part of the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform User’s Agreement. We reserve the right to update or modify this policy from time to time. If such modification results in substantial reduction of your rights under this policy (i.e. "significant change"), we will send you notice of change through different channels, including but not limited to website publicity, private message, etc.

若您不同意修改后的隐私政策,您有权并应立即停止使用欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台的服务。 如果您继续使用我们的服务,则视为您接受我们对本政策相关条款所做的修改。

If you do not agree with the revised privacy policy, you have the right and should immediately stop using the services provided by Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform. If you continue to use our services, you will be considered as of having accepted our modifications to the relevant terms of this policy.


This policy applies to all services of Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform. However, some services have their own specific privacy policies, which more specifically describe how Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform processes your information in this service. In case of any inconsistency between this policy and the privacy policy of a specific service, the specific privacy policy shall prevail.

Significant changes in this policy include but are not limited to:

1.    我们的服务模式发生重大变化。如处理个人信息的目的、处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式等;

Our service model has undergone significant changes. For example, the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the use mode of personal information;

2.    我们在所有权结构、组织架构等方面发生重大变化。如业务调整、 破产并购等引起的所有者变更等;

Significant changes have happened in our ownership structure and organizational structure. Such as business adjustment, bankruptcy merger and acquisition, etc;

3.    个人信息共享、转让或公开披露的主要对象发生变化;

The main objects of personal information shared to, transferred to or publicly disclosed to have changed;

4.    您参与个人信息处理方面的权利及其行使方式发生重大变化;

Your right to participate in personal information processing and the way you exercise it have changed significantly;

5.    我们负责处理个人信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生变化;

Our department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information and complaint channels have changed;

6.    个人信息安全影响评估报告表明存在高风险时;

The personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there are high risks;

7.    我们还会将本政策的旧版本存档,供您查阅。
We usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records and for you to check.

在欣荻瑞全球高尔夫数字化平台停止运营时,我们会及时停止继续收集个人信息,可 能以注意送达或网站公告的形式通知您停止运营的情况,并对您的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。

When the Cindy Reid Global Golf Digital Platform stops operating, we will stop collecting personal information in a timely manner, and may notify you of the stop in the form of notice delivery or website announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information.


      Dispute Resolution


This user agreement and your relationship with Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. are applicable to the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China, excluding its conflict of laws norms. You and Xindi Sports Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. are subject to the jurisdiction of the local court.



          How to Contact Us?

如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,或对于您的个人信息处理存在任何投诉、意见,可以通过邮件方式联系我们的隐私负责人,我们的邮箱是customercare@crgg.com或 也可以通过电话方式与我们联系: +86 134 7242 7551 (周一至周日 9:00-18:00)。 我们将在收到问题、意见或者建议后十五天内回复您的请求

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or have any complaints or opinions about your personal information processing, you can contact our privacy principal by email at customercare@crgg.com or you can contact us by phone at +86 134 7242 7551 (9:00-18:00 from Monday to Sunday). We will reply to your request within 15 days after receiving the questions, opinions or suggestions.